Educational project: Astronomy

There is knowledge that is not associated with early childhood education, but experience has taught us that during their first years of life, children have an amazing learning capacity. To awaken interest and curiosity in science in the little ones, at Happy Way we have developed our astronomy project. Thanks to Roomy the astronaut, girls and boys will begin a journey to learn about the universe. With it, children in P1 and P2 learn to observe the universe and recognize the main elements that make it up, such as the sun, clouds, moon and stars. Roomy visits them once a week to explain new adventures about the elements they are about to learn. Together with him they will carry out a wide variety of activities that will make them experience and enjoy astronomy in a very special way.

Project work is based on a constructive conception of learning, where pedagogical intervention is aimed at promoting children's meaningful learning in an intentional and reflective way. The main objective that we intend to achieve by carrying out this project is to know and discover some components of the universe and its most relevant characteristics. Based on the most characteristic features of each of these elements, we will develop a wide variety of activities that will help us expand children's knowledge about this topic and specific vocabulary about astronomy. To conclude the learning, each year we take an extra-school trip to visit the Planetarium.

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