Educational project: Happy Music

At Happy Way we consider music as one of the best vehicles for the comprehensive development of children. But why is music important for children?:

  • Strengthens learning, increasing children's memory, attention and concentration capacity, through memorization of different songs.

  • Sharpens hearing, the least developed sensory organ at birth.

  • Help boys and girls differentiate between different moments and routines, for example with songs about mealtime, bedtime, etc.

  • The child who lives in contact with music learns to live better with other children, establishing more harmonious communication.

  • It offers the opportunity for children to interact with each other and with adults through dances and gestures that emerge from the music.

  • Music helps them in the literacy stage, it stimulates them through rhymed and repetitive syllables.

  • By having fun they sharpen their senses, practice balance, and tone different muscles.

  • It gives them emotional security and confidence because they feel understood when sharing songs and immersed in a climate of help, collaboration and mutual respect.

  • Improves the ability to solve complex mathematical and reasoning problems.

  • In short, it stimulates their intellectual, auditory, sensory, speech and motor development.

In our classrooms we encourage listening to music as a driving force for the harmonious development of children when establishing different routines and habits of autonomy. During most day-to-day activities, background music accompanies us, creating a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. In our music classes during school hours, we learn different musical instruments, we make instruments with materials from everyday life and we learn the rhythms, structures and melodies of songs.

In P2 we work on our musical project in the classrooms, we learn the different musical interpretations in order to develop, among others, the progressive mastery of the expressive, perceptive and motor possibilities of the body itself, the discovery and use of body, verbal, and musical language. and plastic, the recognition, retention and memorization of songs by actively participating, following the rhythm and reproducing it with gestures.

The different musical activities are carried out in the classroom and playground in 40-minute sessions. Music invites them to play with their imagination, movement and colors and the teachers encourage them to play some instruments because, although listening to music occupies a priority place in children's musical training, active participation is also essential. . Conclude your learning with a trip to L'Auditori to enjoy a concert with works from various periods and styles, traditional songs, pieces by different composers and works created for this concert.

Part of our philosophy is that parents are an active part of their children's learning, which is why we give the mothers and fathers of our centers a CD with the songs we work on at school.

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