Educational project: Nature

Our centers have large patios that allow us to have an optimal environment for outdoor activities. Each school has a farm and a garden, through which we encourage the little ones to discover and develop values ​​of respect, responsibility, effort and esteem towards animals and plants. Through Nin and Nina, our rabbits, P2 students discover new experiences and learn to recognize the characteristics of these animals, their habitat, what they eat and discover the differences that exist between them and us. In order to feed them, they will learn to work the garden, making association of concepts, and they will plant carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and other vegetables that they will have to take care of and water so that they grow and thus feed their friends. From the experience that the Nature Project provides them, children begin to ask themselves questions and awaken their curiosity, the driving force for learning, about aspects related to nature while enjoying interacting with it in a healthy and lively way.

Project work is based on a constructive conception of learning, where pedagogical intervention is aimed at promoting children's meaningful learning in an intentional and reflective way. We manipulate all types of materials (earth, water, straw, etc.), and thus develop the creative participation of children and collaboration between them in order to enrich learning. To conclude the learning from this project, with the arrival of good weather we took an extracurricular outing to the school farm.

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